GMK Accessories Catalogue Issue 13

GUN CARE & MAINTENANCE 92 | GUN CARE Screw retainer - medium • O ptimum thread locking product. Can even be used on oiled surfaces and galvanised screws. • F or all common nuts and screw sizes of all grades. Screw retainer - fine • O ptimum thread-locking adhesive. This product even can be used on oily surfaces and galvanised screws. • F or all commonly used bolt and nut sizes up to a maximum of M12. Instant glue • S ingle-component, solvent-free cyanoacrylate adhesive. • F or bonding plastics, metals, wood, leather and rubber in seconds. LIQ-3802 2 Component Power Adhesive • H igh-strength, fast-curing 2-component methyl acrylate adhesive. • U niversal adhesive for metal, wood, plastic, etc. Epoxy adhesive • H igh-strength 2-component universal adhesive that cures in minutes at room temperature. • I deally suited for repairs, for bonding, for fixation of scopes. Liquid metal • F ast-curing 2-component epoxy adhesive. Very high strength • F ull adhesive strength after approx. 24 hours LIQ-6179 25ml LIQ-6183 25ml LIQ-6193 25ml LIQ-3812 10g LIQ-3805 10g